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Are Dentures Right For You?

SEP 11

The Purpose of Dentures

If you’ve lost all of your natural teeth, either from periodontal disease, tooth decay, or injury, dentures can replace these teeth along with your smile. Replacing missing teeth in Woodland Hills can quickly and easily benefit your appearance and your overall health. Without support from teeth or dentures, facial muscles sag, which can make an individual look and feel much older. You might also struggle with things like eating and talking, which we tend to take for granted until our natural teeth have been lost.

There are several types of false teeth: A conventional full set of dentures is made and put in the patient's mouth after the remaining teeth are removed and the tissues have healed, which might take up to a couple of months.

An immediate and temporary full set of dentures are inserted once the remaining teeth are removed. Your Woodland Hills dentist takes measurements and makes models of the patient's jaws during a preliminary visit. With instant dentures, the denture wearer doesn't have to be without teeth throughout the recovery period. Like natural teeth, dentures must be brushed daily to remove plaque and food deposits. Brushing helps prevent false teeth from becoming permanently stained and assists your mouth in remaining healthier. It is best to use a brush designed for cleaning dentures. A toothbrush with soft bristles may be used, but avoid bristled brushes which may damage the material. Even in the event that you wear complete dentures, you still need to take good care of your mouth.

Brush your gums, tongue and palace each morning with a soft brush before you fit your prostheses to stimulate blood circulation in your cells and help remove plaque. The dentist will advise you on how frequently to make an appointment. Regular dental checkups are significant, allowing your dentist to effectively examine your mouth to see if your false teeth continue to fit properly. Our Woodland Hills dentist examines your mouth for signs of diseases, including cancer. With regular professional care, a positive attitude and perseverance, you can become one of the millions of individuals who utilize their dentures with a giant grin.

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